TIL git alias

    June 30th, 2023

    Problem: When I make changes to core files in my Jekyll website and look at the git status I am mired in modifications to _site.

    Current Solution: A grep on the output of git status --short with a .git alias.

    TIL: git status --short, and the ability to set an alias for use w/ git in .gitconfig (re my alias search, I was only looking for some hand-holding to recall how to do it in zsh)


    I’m just quickly demonstrating some different tools below (and working on how to do that). Any of these (and non-generative tools) likely could have helped me to a workable solution.

    Notice each of these tools (You.com, Perplexity AI, and Phind) allow me to share my results (see the link in the search queries).

    Fruitful reply but then ‘confused’ by how I asked about preserving color.

    Note: I narrowed the viewing window so the right-column of search results collapsed in this screenshot.
    You.com [ can you type somthing like “git status -_site” to get status of everydhing but the _site domain? ]

    A You.com[can you type somthing like "git status -\_site" to get status of everydhing but the \_site domain?] search. Screenshot taken with GoFullPage (distortions possible) at: 2023-06-30 10:20:33

    A Perplexity AI[are there nicer ways to get output like this?] search. Screenshot taken with GoFullPage (distortions possible) at: 2023-06-30 10:19:59

    Phind [ I want to make a alias for git status --short | grep -v '_site' ]

    A Phind[I want to make a alias for `git status --short | grep -v '_site'`] search. Screenshot taken with GoFullPage (distortions possible) at: 2023-06-30 10:19:26