[What is answer.ai (from Howard & Ries)?]

    I searched [What is answer.ai (from Howard & Ries)?] on Perplexity, You.com, Bard, and Bing. I added the parenthetical context because initial results without it were uniformly stale. Here are the responses, sorted in order of quality (as determined by the author, quickly while doing the searches):

    Evaluation comment: I actually thought the initial answer was much better, but the share link wasn’t rendering so I refreshed.
    YouChat.GPT-4[What is answer.ai (from Howard & Ries)?]


    Answer.AI is a research and development lab co-founded by Jeremy Howard and Eric Ries(https://www.answer.ai/posts/2023-12-12-launch.html)[[. Jeremy Howard is known for his previous roles as the founding CEO of Kaggle and co-founder of fast.ai, while Eric Ries is recognized for his contributions to the field of AI safety, policy, and regulatory issues.

    #### Key People

    • Jeremy Howard: Founding CEO of Answer.AI, previously co-founder of Kaggle and fast.ai.
    • Eric Ries: Co-founder of Answer.AI, known for his work in AI safety, policy, and regulatory issues.

    #### Function

    As an R&D lab, Answer.AI likely conducts research and develops new technologies in the field of artificial intelligence. The specific projects and focus areas of the lab are not detailed in the provided search results. However, given the backgrounds of the founders, it’s reasonable to infer that they might be working on AI safety, policy, and regulatory issues, among other AI-related topics.

    Evaluation comment: While initially spot-on, the response slipped in falsely associating the R&D lab with the tutor app.
    Perplexity AI.Copilot[What is answer.ai (from Howard & Ries)?]

    Answer.AI is a new kind of AI Research and Development (R&D) lab co-founded by Jeremy Howard and Eric Ries. The lab aims to create practical end-user products based on foundational research breakthroughs. Jeremy Howard, one of the co-founders, has a background in making AI more accessible, particularly through transfer learning and fine tuning, and has previously co-founded fast.ai. Eric Ries, the other co-founder, is known for his entrepreneurial expertise[1].

    In addition to the R&D lab, Answer.AI also offers an AI tutor app available on the App Store. This app is designed to provide 24/7 assistance to users for any questions and difficulties they encounter in their studies, covering almost all subjects[5].

    The unique approach of Answer.AI is to combine the expertise of its founders in AI research and entrepreneurship to create practical applications of AI that can be used in everyday life.

    [1] https://www.answer.ai/posts/2023-12-12-launch.html
    [2] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38614232
    [3] https://news.ycombinator.com/newest?n=31&next=38614435
    [4] https://www.fast.ai/posts/2023-11-07-dislightenment.html
    [5] https://apps.apple.com/us/app/answer-ai-your-ai-tutor/id6446047896
    [6] https://www.fastcompany.com/90158100/how-to-build-an-entrepreneurial-culture-5-tips-from-eric-ries
    [7] https://www1.goramblers.org/fill-and-sign-pdf-form/pdf?Academia=Pap_Geometry_Unit_Circle_Worksheet_2_Answers%283%29.pdf&ID=LbK%3A0568
    [8] https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RRA2200-1.html

    Evaluation comment: Bard claims there is ambiguity as it anchors on “answer.ai” rather than the context provided. It continued to fail in an explicit follow-up (at the link) that my question was re something announced today.
    Bard[What is answer.ai (from Howard & Ries)?]

    Unfortunately, your question about “answer.ai” from Howard & Ries is a bit ambiguous. There are several possibilities for what you might be referring to:

    1. Answer.AI (homework app): This is a popular mobile app that uses AI technology to help students with their homework. It can answer questions in various subjects, solve math problems, and even check for grammar errors. It’s possible Howard & Ries might have mentioned this app in one of their works on marketing or advertising, as it could be relevant to their focus on consumer behavior and decision-making.

    2. Answer AI (GPT-3 assistant): This is a web-based AI assistant that uses GPT-3 technology to perform various tasks, including content generation, translation, and research. It’s possible that Howard & Ries might have referred to this as an example of AI’s potential impact on the future of business and communication.

    3. A specific use of “answer.ai” in their work: There’s also a chance that Howard & Ries used the term “answer.ai” in a more metaphorical or conceptual way within a specific work. Without additional context, it’s difficult to say for sure what they meant.

    To help me understand your question better, could you please provide some additional context about where you encountered the term “answer.ai” in relation to Howard & Ries? This could be anything from the title of a specific book or article to a key phrase or quote that you remember.

    The more information you can provide, the better I can help you understand what Howard & Ries were referring to in their work.

    Evaluation comment: Completely ignores the added context (this is despite the HackerNews link discussing answer.ai appearing at the top of Bing search results for the same query).
    BingChat[What is answer.ai (from Howard & Ries)?]

    Answer.ai is an AI-powered learning and writing assistant that can help you with your academic needs. It is available as a plugin for your browser and can be used to solve math problems, check grammar, and more. The app is available on both Android and iOS platforms ¹²³.

    Source: Conversation with Bing, 12/12/2023
    (1) Answer.AI - Your AI tutor - Apps on Google Play. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cyberdavinci.gptkeyboard.
    (2) AnswerAI - Your AI Assistant powered by GPT-4. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/answerai-your-ai-assistan/bchkdkhfodkkpohjhabdgfhpgjkkgfhg.
    (3) What Is Answer AI And How To Use It Easily - Dataconomy. https://dataconomy.com/2023/09/25/what-is-answer-ai-how-to-use-answer-ai/.

    See also this weblink to answer.ai’s announcement: answer.ai & “A new old kind of R&D lab”

    Added December 13, 2023 11:26 AM (PST)

    See also: Tavily[What is answer.ai (from Howard & Ries)?]