change notes 2023-07-12

    July 12th, 2023
    • Added ‘status’ functionality in _layouts/post.html and _includes/page_header.html. See an example: /status/2023/07/12/exploring-question-answering.html.
      • title is omitted from standard display position, content is displayed as an h1 title in a bootstrap card.
      • YAML is checked for items like bsky_link or twitter_link and the card footer is updated accordingly.
    • Added scripts and data structures while exploring an OpenAI cookbook, as described in Asking [Why hire Daniel?] in an LLM search with local Lunr.js.
      • pickles for embeddings and hashes
      • a node.js script for serving local API access to the Lunr.js indices
      • a .ipynb notebook adapted from the OpenAI cookbook
    • Added a script to better facilitate troubleshooting around social sharing cards, checking for some of the audits in, which I’ve been using (i.e. for the above weblog):
    • Added a script to facilitate development of my tacked-on Python publishing plugins.
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