change notes 2023-10-27

    October 27th, 2023
    • 2023-10-27 13:22:42 Search was down (or only working for external sites) for several hours today. I was implementing a change in the link structure. I now know a lot more about what I don’t know (in particular: visibility into my implementation of the Lunr.js indexing process; uptime monitoring (currently logging); better error logging within my bespoke scripts for conducting (results.js) and displaying (serp.js) the searches). The updated link structure for top-level pages is currently working in search (ex. \about.html => \about\), the core change to the posts (permalink: pretty) has been reverted. I will be introducing incremental tests.
      • 2023-10-27 13:51:56 First test worked: changing the YAML frontmatter for one post to /:categories/:year/:month/:day/:title/ to change =>; findable via a search for [Quivr]
      • 2023-10-27 16:00:59 Successfully updated all posts to permalink: pretty (in _config.yaml) and successfully indexed.
      • 2023-10-27 16:02:11 Attempting to bulk updated all generated snippets.