change notes 2023-12-07

    December 7th, 2023
    • Added bib_handles to my search index so you can now search with bib handles like [lave1991situated] or [noble2018algorithms].
      • Background: I had to explicitly add these handles despite using them in the markdown representation of my pages and posts because the pipeline has Pandoc process the handles into proper citations before the pages are processed for my item_index.json (or I already had the handles within the data-cites attribute, like in my /diss pages, and I remove the HTML from my content parsing). Now I have a script that simply finds and appends the handles to the content field for the particular page or post. The Lunr.js indexing script then uses the updated item_index.
      • With this change I have also added search-query-bracket search indicators with bib handles to the end of all bibliography entries (this occurs after page rendering and indexing). So at the end of an apa.csl entry there will be a clickable link just like this: [beane2019shadow]
      • Note: This does not yet support Cmd+F/Ctrl+F browser Find functionality. The user must still search the rendered form of the in-line citation, like f[Beane] or f[Beane (2019)] (though that form will be visible in the bibliography entry and which will be found by an f[beane2019shadow] search).
    • Added a website-last-updated-timestamp to footers across the website. This is largely for my own benefit to quickly see if my AWS Amplify pipeline has updated the live pages.
    • Added a simple script to serve my production pages for better testing of my components that are not visible in my development setup (it also rewrites asset, style, and script links on the fly).
      • Background: Because of the current latency and dynamism in some of my production pipeline I do not run all modifications during development. That has previously meant that I’m pushing to live to see some changes (things like adding links to in-text citations or reordering and renaming the Footnotes and References sections, and now the addition of search-query-bracket search indicators with bib handles to the end of all bibliography entries). Now I have easy aliases for my standard development setup (updating incrementally with local changes; using also a different config to write to _site_local instead of _site) and for checking the latest fully production-ready changes).
    • Expanded the number of recent posts in the footer from 4 to 10.