change notes 2023-12-14

    December 14th, 2023

    I want to make a note of some bugs and issues because I’m going to set them aside for a bit as I focus on Building a Generative Web Search Arena

    • similar pages is broken
    • some tag pages are broken and search for tags with spaces is broken
    • serp.js is still heavier than it needs to be, I can shift a bit of code out to be fetched or pulled from the Lunrish API

    Also setting aside my project looking at opengpts.

    • Found and fixed BUG in Lunrish implementation: dynamic search is crashing the browser (without reported errors) #2
      • Note: The results returned were much too large, the bug was generally for two letter searches that might attempt to return all results on the page. Dynamic searches are typified by an asterisk, acting as a wildcard. I’m initially addressing this problem (which also pertains to how I handle pagination) by limiting the results returned by Lunrish to only ten if there is an asterisk in the query. I can address more fully with proper pagination controls later. A side effect is that a search for [test] currently returns 46 results, but [test*] returns only 10.
      • Closing this issue while adding a new issue: Synchronize pagination between Lunrish and serp.js #3