data voids

    tags: data-voids
    October 11th, 2023


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    • “evil unicorns”

    Research, Reporting, and other Writing

    Google, data voids, and the dynamics of the politics of exclusion
    Authors: Ov Cristian Norocel and Dirk Lewandowski

    Journal: Big Data & Society
    Volume: 10 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 205395172211490
    Year: 2023
    DOI: 10.1177/20539517221149099

    Keywords: Critical data studies, data void, Germany, politics of exclusion, search engines, Sweden

    This study deploys a critical approach to big data analytics to gauge the tentative contours of data voids in Google searches that reflect extreme-right dynamics of exclusion in the aftermath of the 2015 humanitarian crisis in Europe. The study adds complexity to the analysis of data voids, expanding the framework of investigation outside the USA context by concentrating on Germany and Sweden. Building on previous big data analytics addressing the politics of exclusion, the study proposes a catalogue of queries concerning the issue of migration in both Germany and Sweden on a continuum from mainstream to extreme-right vocabularies. This catalogue of queries enables specific and localized queries to identify data voids. The results show that a search engine’s reliance on source popularity may lead to extreme-right sources appearing in top positions. Furthermore, using platforms for user-generated content provides a way for localized queries to gain top positions.
    ‘Do your own research’: affordance activation and disinformation spread
    Authors: Francesca B. Tripodi, Lauren C. Garcia, Alice E. Marwick

    Journal: Information, Communication & Society
    Volume: 0 | Number: 0 | Pages: 1-17
    Year: 2023
    Publisher: Routledge
    DOI: 10.1080/1369118X.2023.2245869

    Keywords: Affordance theory, platform studies, participatory disinformation, media manipulation

    Affordances are the perception of what a technical artifact can do. They bridge a technically-determinist perspective with social constructivist theory, acknowledging the material aspects of technology while allowing for user agency. Yet most affordance theory separates out the engagement process into producers and consumers. On one hand, this lens is essential because it considers how an end user interprets, engages, and utilizes technology through their social structure. It highlights how engagement is both constrained and enabled by the creator, but also documents how such engagement might differ from a creator’s intention(s) completely. On the other hand, this framework doesn’t consider the interactional dimensions of affordances theory. This paper fills this gap, relying on sociotechnical theory to analyze three case studies across three different platforms (Twitter, Google Scholar, and Yandex). In doing so, we explain how pundits, propagandists, and conspiracy theorists ‘activate affordances’ to validate their claims. When audiences are primed to ‘do their own research,’ disinformation becomes a more entangled, participatory process.

    Public-facing and public service writing

    See also

    Twitter[from:danielsgriffin “data void”]


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    Haider, J., & Rödl, M. (2023). Google search and the creation of ignorance: The case of the climate crisis. Big Data &Amp; Society, 10(1), 205395172311589. [haider2023google]

    Norocel, O. C., & Lewandowski, D. (2023). Google, data voids, and the dynamics of the politics of exclusion. Big Data &Amp; Society, 10(1), 205395172211490. [norocel2023google]

    Tripodi, F. (2019a). Devin nunes and the power of keyword signaling. In Wired. [tripodi2019devin]

    Tripodi, F. (2019b). SenateHearing + written testimony.; Senate Judiciary Committee Subcommittee On The Constitution. [tripodi2019testimony]

    Tripodi, F. (2022). The propagandists’ playbook: How conservative elites manipulate search and threaten democracy (Hardcover, p. 288). Yale University Press. [tripodi2022propagandists]

    Tripodi, F. B., Garcia, L. C., & Marwick, A. E. (2023). ‘Do your own research’: Affordance activation and disinformation spread. Information, Communication & Society, 0(0), 1–17. [tripodi2023do]