search directives

    October 11th, 2023


    Research, Reporting, and other Writing

    Caulfield (2019)

    Google This Ploy

    Haider & Rödl (2023)

    What is notable in the post, however, are two calls to do a Google search using specific search terms that are presented verbatim in quotation marks; loosely translated, the post suggests at the very beginning, to ‘Google “effect of carbon dioxide on the climate”’ and as a final statement that seems to sum up the post and give it a final legitimacy: ‘Go ahead and google “cheating in the climate debate.”’

    signposting to ‘googling’

    appeals to ‘googling’

    the appeal to ‘google’ co-opts Google as a seemingly impartial information broker

    Robertson et al. (2023)


    Caulfield, M. (2019). Data voids and the google this ploy: Kalergi plan. [caulfield2019data]

    Haider, J., & Rödl, M. (2023). Google search and the creation of ignorance: The case of the climate crisis. Big Data &Amp; Society, 10(1), 205395172311589. [haider2023google]

    Robertson, R. E., Dunphy, A., Grossman, S., DiResta, R., & Thiel, D. (2023). Identifying search directives on social media. Journal of Online Trust and Safety, 2(1). [robertson2023identifying]