“Google is concerned with the form of information as a medium for advertising…”

    November 27th, 2023
    Waller (2009)

    Google is concerned with the form of information as a medium for advertising and aim to provide access to information in order to enable the placement of targeted advertising; the content is only important to Google inasmuch as it facilitates targeted advertising.

    HT: Hoffmann (2016)


    Hoffmann, A. L. (2016). Google books, libraries, and self-respect: Information justice beyond distributions. The Library Quarterly, 86(1), 76–92. https://doi.org/10.1086/684141 [hoffmann2016google]

    Waller, V. (2009). The relationship between public libraries and google: Too much information. First Monday, 14(9). https://doi.org/10.5210/fm.v14i9.2477 [waller2009relationship]