“Is Relevance Relevant? Market, Science, and War”

    Van Couvering (2007) | couvering2007relevance
    Is Relevance Relevant? Market, Science, and War: Discourses of Search Engine Quality
    Author: Elizabeth Van Couvering ( faculty_page )

    Journal: Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication
    Volume: 12 | Issue: | Pages: 866–887
    Year: 2007
    DOI: 10.1111/j.1083-6101.2007.00354.x

    In the face of rising controversy about search engine results—that they are too restrictive, too comprehensive, lacking in certain areas, over-represented in others—this article presents the results of in-depth interviews with search engine producers, examining their conceptions of search engine quality and the implications of those conceptions. Structuration theory suggests that the cultural schemas that frame these discourses of quality will be central in mobilizing resources for technological development. The evidence presented here suggests that resources in search engine development are overwhelmingly allocated on the basis of market factors or scientific/technological concerns. Fairness and representativeness, core elements of the journalists’ definition of quality media content, are not key determiners of search engine quality in the minds of search engine producers. Rather, alternative standards of quality, such as customer satisfaction and relevance, mean that tactics to silence or promote certain websites or site owners (such as blacklisting, whitelisting, and index ‘‘cleaning’’) are seen as unproblematic.

    Selected Excerpts

    p. 879:

    the slippery subjective concept of relevance is quantified, reified, and discussed in highly technical language

    p. 882:

    The Difficulty of Articulating the Public Good
    The last section discussed how the quality metrics of customer satisfaction and particularly relevance serve the strategic ends of producers, helping them to overcome the limits on their agency that the market schema implies. Nonetheless, the focus on relevance constrains the articulation of other quality goals. For example, in journalism, objectivity, fairness, diversity, and representation are typical examples of quality goals.

    p. 884:

    Search engines from the science-technology point of view are primarily pieces of engineering.

    p. 884:

    provide little scope to raise issues of public welfare, fairness, or bias


    Van Couvering, E. J. (2007). Is relevance relevant? Market, science, and war: Discourses of search engine quality. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 12(3), 866–887. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1083-6101.2007.00354.x [couvering2007relevance]