"Scheherazade, you easily make up stories of Egypt or any country you please."

    September 6th, 2023

    Reading Plato’s Phaedrus1 again I was struck by this line in relation to discussion of fabrication or hallucination in tools like ChatGPT.

    Socrates, you easily make up stories of Egypt or any country you please.

    Musing on that line I tweeted:

    @danielsgriffin via Twitter on Sep 6, 2023

    Fill in the blank.

    “[__________], you easily make up stories of Egypt or any country you please.”

    [ ] Anansi
    [ ] Borges
    [ ] ChatGPT
    [ ] Google
    [ ] Jesus
    [ ] Odysseus
    [ ] Pinocchio
    [ ] Scheherazade
    [ ] Socrates
    [ ] Wikipedia
    allegory, fabrication, hallucination, model

    I ran the question through various generative search and search-like systems (pre-pending only “Please answer this question:”) and was surprised at how they all got it “wrong”:

    Bonus: ChainForge

    Here is a ChainForge flow, where I show various prepends and appends and include Google's Bard as an option: https://chainforge.ai/play/?f=iflfrrosd4j4



    1. Via The Perseus Digital Library Project (Crane, 2001)↩︎


    Crane, G. R. (2001). Perseus digital library. Tufts University. http://www.perseus.tufts.edu [crane2001perseus]