Searching masked or "voldemorted" URLs

    October 4th, 2023

    A fascinating example of masking / voldemorting?

    @mmitchell_ai via Twitter on Oct 4, 2023

    This really is a great post from @natolambert on ethics, data, and RLHF in tech companies. I wish I could share it with you all, but tweets w links are now demoted. Does this work? Change the ‘x’ to ‘w’, and the - to ‘.’ . xxx-interconnects-ai/p/operationalizing-responsible-rlhf

    I was curious how search engines would perform with this as the query.

    Searching… [ xxx-interconnects-ai/p/operationalizing-responsible-rlhf ]


    Search System Notes Search See share-link Screenshots
    Andi Search N/A
    Brave Search N/A
    DuckDuckGo N/A
    Google N/A
    Kagi N/A
    Metaphor N/A N/A
    Mojeek N/A
    Perplexity AI
    Phind N/A N/A
    Swisscows N/A

    I do not think this is necessarily very telling about the broader capabilities of a search system. But, maybe for some (dealing with mangled URLs) this would be a key value-add.