This is also in Projects.
It’s a clean and efficient way to search, get what you need, and get on with your day.
An exploratory toy userscript for simplifying / cleaning the search engine results page (SERP). It currently works on Google, Bing, and DuckDuckGo. Recently inspired to do this while noting Brave’s new Speedreader function that simplifies articles for easy reading (from which I also adapt the tagline).
Speedserper strips out everything but the search bar, search results, and ‘People also asked’ & ‘Related searches’ sections. One innovation is that the suggested queries in the latter sections are presented as editable search bars.
Here is the Google search for [search user interfaces] with speedserper, the buttons for ‘People also asked’ and ‘Related searches’ can be clicked to expand.
Here I am editing the related search search bar to add the word ‘imaginary’: