ad z'njinz'tum

    April 4th, 2018
    @danielsgriffin via Twitter on Apr 4, 2018

    when OCR copying errors generate art

    This beautiful Futurese: “ad z’njinz’tum”

    Far more arresting than boring Latin: “ad infinitum”

    a screenshot of a selected and highlighted 'ad infinitum'

    A quick Google search for the exact phrase (“ad z’njinz’tum”) returns Walter Lippmann’s “The Phantom Public” (my source for the above) and leads me to Hans Vaihinger’s "The Philosophy of ‘As if’*.
    * Relevant to our Info218 discussion tomorrow on information and truth.

    A quick DuckDuckGo search for the exact phrase (“ad z’njinz’tum”) returns nothing.
    A quick Bing search for the exact phrase (“ad z’njinz’tum”) returns a morass.