My academic search kit

    August 2nd, 2023
    @danielsgriffin via Twitter on Dec 1, 2021

    My academic search kit:
    - search: Twitter (esp. [filter:follows terms]), @SemanticScholar, local whoosh (my cards & indexed PDFs via gettext in fitz)
    - access: author sites, campus EZproxy, @unpaywall, etc.
    - citation: @CrossrefOrg simpleTextQuery, bibutils, doi2bib, isbnbib

    @danielsgriffin via Twitter on Dec 1, 2021

    Happy No Data To/From Google Scholar December!

    This month I’m going to play with alternatives to using Google Scholar (GS).

    GS’s motto is “Stand on the shoulders of giants” so December is a great month for this (Newton being born on Christmas Day, under the Julian calendar).