Friday AI

    tags: Andi
    November 14th, 2023
    @andi_search via Twitter on Nov 14, 2023


    Andi X Friday AI

    We’re stoked to share that Andi is acquiring Friday AI!

    @FridayAIApp is an AI-powered educational assistant that helps thousands of busy college students with their homework.

    Grateful and excited to be a new home for their users’ educational and search needs! Welcome to Andi

    Here is Friday, as of today:’s Friday AI on Nov 14, 2023

    Hi, I’m Friday, your AI copilot for school! Learn a difficult topic, draft an email, or speed up your hw.

    Use a command to get started: Generate essay outline to draft an outline. New thread to start a new conversation. / to see a list of commands.

    Screencapture of Friday AI.