“I don't personally know a single professional who'd be using GPT for anything seriously pertaining to their work”

    @filippie509 via Twitter on Nov 13, 2023

    Anecdotal but I realized I don’t personally know a single professional who’d be using GPT for anything seriously pertaining to their work, beyond what I’d call amusement. People are “playing with it”, “probing it”, “experimenting” but nobody is actually “using” it for anything.

    I think there are two interesting things here:

    1. Just flagging a strong claim about actual use. Do we know? How much does serious work or not integrate with ideas like Graeber’s “Bullshit Jobs”? How much does non-serious and non-amusement still provide significant value? I’m not sure if the seriousness or not here is engaging with critiques of AGI or actual utility.

    2. The language of “playing with it”, “probing it”, “experimenting” makes me think of how the data engineers in my dissertation interviews would sort of hold web search at a distance or refer to only jokingly, not wanting, it seemed, to fully admit the significant role it played in the performance of their expertise.