Perplexity AI announcing generative search APIs

    @aravsrinivas via Twitter on Nov 29, 2023

    Excited to announce that pplx-api is coming out of beta and moving to usage based pricing, along with the first-ever live LLM APIs that are grounded with web search data and have no knowledge cutoff!

    @denisyarats via Twitter on Nov 29, 2023

    Excited to release our online LLMs! These models have internet access and perform very well on prompts that require factuality and up-to-date information.

    read more here:

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    @perplexity_ai via Twitter on Nov 29, 2023

    We’re thrilled to announce two online LLMs we’ve trained: pplx-7b-online and pplx-70b-online! Built on top of open-source LLMs and fine-tuned to use knowledge from the internet. They are now available via Labs and in a first-of-its-kind live-LLM API.