Yuveganlife Tests of Generative Web Search Tools

    January 25th, 2024

    An in-depth user-driven evaluation of generative web search tools from Bruce Yu at Yuveganlife:

    Yuveganlife’s 5 Simple Questions to Test Generative AI Chatbots’ Web Search Accuracy, Updated Version on Jan 03, 2024

    Test Execution Summary

    Ask 5 simple questions to each chatbot:
    • Q1: Is Yuveganlife.com a vegan NPO?
    • Q2: When and where was yuveganlife.com established?
    • Q3: How many vegan podcasts are listed on yuveganlife.com?
    • Q4: What is the current local date and time in Vancouver, Canada?
    • Q5: Does Eat Just manufacture Just Meat, a plant-based meat substitute made from pea protein?

    Selected AI-Powered Chatbots

    • Bing Copilot (free ChatGPT-4)
    • HuggingChat (Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1; Llama-2-70b-chat-hf)
    • iAsk
    • Komo
    • Perplexity (ChatGPT-3.5 and Free ChatGPT-4 with Copilot: 5 queries every 4 hours)
    • Phind (Phind V9 and Free ChatGPT-4: 10 queries per day)
    • Pi
    • Poe (Web-Search)
    • You (Smart)


    Based on the results of our updated testing, we found that this free chatbot: “Phind (ChatGPT-4)” was the most effective in providing accurate responses to our 5 updated test questions, demonstrating its ability to understand user queries and retrieve relevant and reliable information. […]

    This test suite was authored by Bruce Yu, founder of Yuveganlife.com, as part of evaluating different chatbot’s search capabilities to help automate and verify the recording of vegan companies or NPOs info in Yuveganlife.com’s headless CRM system.