
    May 15th, 2023
    This page lists updates about Daniel. For information about changes to the website instead, see Change notes.
    October 11th, 2023: Mentioned in Bloomberg article by Davey Alba

    📄 My comments about the Bard Discord server were picked up by Davey Alba and she talked to me for an article in Bloomberg: Even Google Insiders Are Questioning Bard AI Chatbot’s Usefulness

    Follow-up: “Bard may display inaccurate or offensive information”

    image of alba2023even article
    October 5th, 2023: Mentioned in Wired article by Will Knight

    📄 My comments about poisoning Bing were picked up by Will Knight and he talked to me for an article in Wired: Chatbot Hallucinations Are Poisoning Web Search

    Round-up: Can you write about examples of LLM hallucination without poisoning the web?

    image of knight2023chatbot article
    May 15th, 2023: Commencement

    🎓 I was the Ph.D. speaker at the I School commencement, discussing how doing a Ph.D. is less like a marathon than a trail ultramarathon. See the text of my speech here.

    Daniel Griffin speaking at I School Commencement, May 19th 2022. Photo credit: UC Berkeley School of Information
    May 9th, 2023: Finished course at Michigan State University

    I wrapped up teaching a spring course at Michigan State University that I designed: Understanding Change in Web Search. I’m sharing reflections and follow-ups through posts tagged repairing-searching.

    MSU Logo - wordmark/helmet combination stacked
    December 16th, 2022: Filed my dissertation

    📁 Filed my dissertation: Griffin D. (2022) Situating Web Searching in Data Engineering: Admissions, Extensions, Repairs, and Ownership. Ph.D. dissertation. Advisors: Deirdre K. Mulligan and Steven Weber. University of California, Berkeley. 2022. [griffin2022situating]

    image of griffin2022situating paper
    November 25th, 2022: My paper with Emma Lurie was published

    📄 My paper with Emma Lurie (equally co-authored) was published: Griffin, D., & Lurie, E. (2022). Search quality complaints and imaginary repair: Control in articulations of Google Search. New Media & Society, Ahead of Print. https://doi.org/10.1177/14614448221136505 [griffin2022search]

    image of griffin2022search paper
    October 17th, 2022: My paper with Emma Lurie was accepted

    🎉 My paper with Emma Lurie was accepted at New Media & Society (initially presented at a Data & Society workshop in early 2022: The Social Life of Algorithmic Harms)

    image of griffin2022search_accepted paper
    September 29th, 2022: My paper with Jake Goldenfein was published

    📄 My paper with Jake Goldenfein was published: Goldenfein, J. & Griffin, D. (2022). Google Scholar – Platforming the scholarly economy. Internet Policy Review, 11(3). https://doi.org/10.14763/2022.3.1671 [goldenfein2022platforming]

    image of goldenfein2022platforming paper