change notes 2023-05-24

    May 24th, 2023
    • Added top-level link in left-sidebar to “Repairing Searching”, to follow a tag for posts related to the class I taught last semester.
    • Added three posts:
    • Added tags for posts, so far only: repairing-searching.
    • Modified tagline, from “I work to defamiliarize and reimagine web search.” to “I work to defamiliarize and reimagine search engines and practices towards repairing searching.”
    • Modified the meta spans at the top of posts to draw from YAML headmatter, added author, tags, and switched to ordinalized date.
      • Updated posts YAML for this.
    • Added uses of special-box note to “Posts”, “Publications”, and “Repairing Searching”
    • Added link-citations, clunkily, with an script (I couldn’t get the Pandoc link-citations functionality working with jekyll-pandoc)
    • Updated my funding disclosure re my last semester of graduate school.
    • Added screenshot and search-query formatting.
    • Changed the case of “understanding change in web search” to title case: “Understanding Change in Web Search
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