‘Trending’ in search

    Last updated: October 17th, 2023


    See Google Trends and the trending searches available as autocompletes when there are no recent searches affecting the suggestions on Google.com.

    Trending searches in Google autocomplete on Google.com (2023-10-10)

    • See various reporting on “Google Flu Trends”
    Gillespie (2016) | gillespie2016trendingistrending
    #trendingistrending: When algorithms become culture
    Author: Tarleton Gillespie

    In book: Algorithmic Cultures: Essays on Meaning, Performance and New Technologies
    Pages: 64–87
    Year: 2016

    Maybe the question about how algorithms shape culture is the wrong one, or wrong if left by itself. Instead, or at least also, it is about what happens when algorithms get taken up as culture, when their particular kinds of claims become legible, meaningful, and contested. We can continue to ask questions about how algorithms shape what is seen or privileged or categorized, about how they may discriminate or make mistakes or treat us like data or automate human judgment. But when algorithms are attending to social and cultural activity, we must remember two things: human activity is public, and algorithmic interventions are too. As Giddens (1984) noted, our scientific attention to human activity is different than to natural phenomena, because people know they are being observed, and act accordingly and often strategically. Algorithmic interventions into human activity face the same challenge. And when algorithmic interventions are also public, in their outputs if not their workings, then they too are observed, taken into account, and strategically contested. This means that the work of algorithms is cultural, and algorithms are not free of culture themselves. [emphasis added]
    Page (2016) | page2016stop
    Stop Using Google Trends
    Author: Danny Page

    Date: Jun 24, 2016

    HT: Shannon McGregor

    Opening paragraph
    Google Trends is a very interesting product, as it gives us real-time data on how people are using Google. Google is the Address Bar of the Internet, so if you need information on a topic, just type in “Euros” and you’ll have the scores and times of every game of the UEFA Euros Championship. Google can then track that interest in a topic and we can see it. But what shouldn’t you use Google Trends for? Well, until people start using it appropriately, everything.


    Gillespie, T. (2016). # trendingistrending: When algorithms become culture. In Algorithmic cultures: Essays on meaning, performance and new technologies (pp. 64–87). Routledge. https://tarletongillespie.org/essays/Gillespie%20-%20trendingistrending%20PREPRINT.pdf [gillespie2016trendingistrending]